Prof. Dr. Ernawati Sinaga, M.S., Apt.

Guru Besar / Dosen Biologi

Fakultas Biologi dan Pertanian

NID. 0110880250



Bidang Keahlian


Prof. Dr. Ernawati Sinaga, M.S., Apt. merupakan salah satu dosen prodi Biologi, Universitas Nasional yang banyak melakukan penelitian dibidang Bahan Alam, Farmasi, Biokimia-Biologi Molekuler. Beliau mengajar di Biologi Unas sejak tahun 1982, dan saat ini juga bertugas sebagai Wakil Rektor Bidang Penelitian, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, dan Kerjasama Universitas Nasional, serta juga sebagai Ketua Pusat Studi Tumbuhan Obat di Universitas Nasional.

Beliau kuliah S1 di Jurusan Farmasi FMIPA UI dan lulus pada tahun 1979 kemudian melanjutkan Pendidikan Apoteker, di Jurusan Farmasi, FMIPA-UI dan lulus tahun 1980. Gelar magister beliau peroleh di Magister Sains Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar Program Studi Biomedik, Kekhususan Biokimia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia dan lulus tahun 1991. Beliau menyelesaikan studi doktoral tahun 2001 di Program Doktor Ilmu Kimia, Kekhususan Biokimia-Biologi Molekuler, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia dan pelaksanaan penelitiannya dilakukan di Dept. Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of Kansas, Lawrence KS USA).

Dalam organisasi profesi, beliau merupakan Sekretaris Jenderal IWWASH (Indonesia Women for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) sejak berdiri tahun 2014 sampai sekarang,  pengurus pusat PBBMI (Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia) sejak 2015 hingga 2023 dan pengurus pusat IAI (Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia) sejak 2002 hingga 2022. Selain itu beliau juga pertama kali menerbitkan dan menjadi Pemimpin Redaksi Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (JFI) pada tahun 2002 yang sampai sekarang masih terbit dan terakreditasi nasional Sinta-2.

Research Grants

  1. Development of herbal gummy supplements made from multi-synergy ingredients from soursop leaves, turmeric and java-ginger as anticancer and immunostimulant agents (Prasasty, PI; Sinaga, Co-PI). Grant from Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia, Contract Number 105/E5/PG.02.00.PL/2024); 2024-2025.
  2. Evaluation of medicinal potential and toxicity of Ziziphus mauritiana fruit juice as source of fermented functional drink to prevent and relieve metabolic syndrome related diseases. (Sinaga, PI). Grant from Universitas Nasional. Contract Number 46/R/UNAS/IX/2023. 2023-2025.
  3. Establishment of the red ginger agroindustry to improve community welfare through Sustainable Smart Farming and Innovative Product Entrepreneurship in Halmahera, North Maluku. (Sinaga, PI). Grant from Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia, Contract Number 229/E1/KS.06.02/2022. 2022-2023.
  4. Evaluation of the biological activity of Bouea macrophylla fruit juice in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver diseases (MAFLD) (Sinaga, PI). Grant from Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia, Contract Number 432/LL3/AK.04/2022. 2022-2024.
  5. Formulations of functional drink from edible flowers, Clitoria ternatea: Consumer preferences and medicinal potentials (Sinaga, PI). Grant from Universitas Nasional. Contract Number 56/R/UNAS/IX/2021. 2021-2023.
  6. Evaluation of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit juice as functional drink to help relieve cardiovascular diseases (Sinaga, PI). Grant from Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia, Contract Number 23/AKM/PNT/2019. 2019-2021
  7. Investigation of medicinal potential of Channa lucius extract as source of nutraceutical to enhance diabetic wound healing (Sinaga, PI). Grant from Ministry of Education Republic of Indonesia, Contract Number 25/AKM/PNT/ 2019. 2019-2021.
Baca Juga  Dra. Endang Wahyuningsih, M.Si.

Publikasi Jurnal

  1. Natural antifibrosis potential of anthocyanin in Ipomoea batatas against Transforming Growth Factor beta Type II receptor by in silico ADMET and molecular docking study. Results in Chemistry 2025; 13: 101970. 
  2. Flavonoids as Antioxidants: A Review on Tempuyung Plant (Sonchus Arvensis). Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences 2023; 6(10): 2310–2318.
  3. The inflammation process of gout arthritis and its treatment. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research 2023; 14(3): pp. 166–170.
  4. Effect of supplementation of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit juice in preventing hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis development in rats fed with high fat high cholesterol diet. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2021; 142: 111996.
  5. Hepatoprotective effect of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit juice in rats fed with high fat high cholesterol diet. Journal of Physics: Conference Series  1665 (2020) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1665/1/012027.
  6. Hepatoprotective effect of Pandanus odoratissimus seed extracts on paracetamol-induced rats. Pharmaceutical Biology 2021; 59(1): 31-39.
  7. Antihyperglycemic and Antihyperlipidemic Effects of Methanolic Seeds Extract of Pandanus odoratissimus in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(6): 946-953
  8. Investigating The Biological Activities Of Clathria vulpina and Stylissa carteri Through In Vitro and In Silico Approaches. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(10), 3788-3794.
  9. Structure-based discovery of novel inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CYP121 from Indonesian natural products. Computational Biology and Chemistry 85 (2020) 107205.
  10. Peptide-Based Subunit Vaccine Design of T- and B-Cells Multi-Epitopes against Zika Virus Using Immunoinformatics Approaches. Microorganisms. 2019 Jul 31;7(8):226. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms7080226. PMID: 31370224; PMCID: PMC6722788.
  11. Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activities from Red Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) Extract. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 2019; 10(1): 276-288.
  12. Enhancement of Drug Absorption through the Blood-Brain Barrier and Inhibition of Intercellular Tight Junction Resealing by E-Cadherin Peptides. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2011; Vol. 8 No. 1, 239-249.
  13. Effects of an E-cadherin –Derived Peptide on the Gene Expression of CACO-2 Cells. Pharmaceutical Research 2004; 21(11).
  14. Increasing Paracellular Porosity by E-Cadherin Peptides: Discovery of Bulge and Groove Regions in the EC1-Domain of E-Cadherin. Pharmaceutical Research 2002; 19(8): 1170-1179.
  15. Cadherin derived peptides inhibit the resealing of intercellular junctions. Molecular Biology of The Cell 2002; 13: 216A-216A.
Baca Juga  Alvira Noer Effendi, M.Si


  1. Potensi Medisinal Buah Ramania (Bouea macrophylla). Ernawati Sinaga, Sri Endarti Rahayu, Suprihatin, Alvira Noer Effendi, Rina Trifani. ISBN 978-623-372-921-5. Rajawali Press. PT Rajagrafindo, Jakarta, 2023.
  2. Potensi Medisinal Karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa). Ernawati Sinaga, Sri Endarti Rahayu, Suprihatin, Yenisbar. ISBN 978-6237-376-118. UNAS Press, Jakarta, 2019.
  3. Ikan marga Channa: Potensinya sebagai bahan nutrasetikal. Ernawati Sinaga, Suprihatin, dan Nonon Saribanon. ISBN 978-6237-376-101. UNAS Press, Jakarta, 2019.
  4. Manajemen Kesehatan Menstruasi. Ernawati Sinaga, Nonon Saribanon, Suprihatin, Nailus Sa’adah, Ummu Salamah, Yulia A. Murti, Agusniar Trisnamiati, Santa Lorita. ISBN 978-602-60325-4-6. UNAS Press, Jakarta, 2017.
  5. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat oleh Suku Dayak Iban di Desa Meliau Kalimantan Barat. Ernawati Sinaga, Imran S.L. Tobing, Ratih Vina Pravita. ISBN 978-602-0819-26-6. Global Science Publishing House, Jakarta, 2016.